Friday, July 11, 2008

GPX2SHP - Win32 with C# source code

I have been searching for some time for a simple GPX to SHP file converter. Both of these file formats are used extensively in geospatial applications, but for some reason no one has created a converter between these two files.

So, being a programmer, I decided to remedy this situation.

Download GPX2SHP Binary- for Win32

the binary version requires the .Net 2.0 framework to be installed on your computer. You can download the framework here.

Currently only waypoints are converted - tracks will be added in the future.

If you're a programmer, you can download the Visual Studio .Net 2005 C# Source Code for this project here.

If this program works for you (or if it doesn't), you can email me at

April 13 2009 update: the download links above are now working!

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Microsoft Re-Designs the IPod Packaging


Bad Design

Two good websites that talk about bad design:

Bad Human Factors Design:

Interface Hall of Shame:

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