Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I figured that it was about time that I got a new phone number. Talking for any length of time on my cell phone started to fry my brain.

So I decided to try something new. I gave Telus the boot, and went for the Shaw/Vonage connection.

In my previous price calculations, Telus was actually a bit cheaper per month (saving around 8 dollars for both my internet and telephone connection). But being a geek, and really disliking Telus, I thought that it would be worth it.

To make the deal sweeter for people, if you buy one of Vonage's phone adapters from London Drugs right now, they will give you a mail-in rebate for $35 off the harware cost, and give you 2 months free. So that actually tipped the price calculation over to Vonage without a doubt.

So far the call quality has been really good, but I'll see how it goes over a number of months.

In conclusion, you can now call me here: 604-628-7710


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